Daytraders Weekend Aftermarket Lounge Dec, page-132

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    To compliment what @Mike B said;

    " Words of wisdom for anyone trying to learn how to read a chart:
    Weakness is shown on up-bars & Strength is shown on down-bars.
    If don't understand what that means - you need to go and find out. "

    I went to my study to continue my research ( The toilet ),
    And the next page I read was pages 38 + 39 of

    High Volume on Market Tops

    Many newspaper journalists and television reporters assume that when the market hits new highs on high volume, that this is buying and a continuation of the up-move (the news is ‘good’ and everybody is bullish). This is a very dangerous assumption. As we have already touched upon during this text, high volume on its own is not enough. If the market is already in a rally and high volume suddenly appears during an up-day (or bar) and immediately the market starts to move sideways or even falls next day, then this is a key indicator of a potential end to the rally. If the higher volume shows an increased effort to go up, we would expect the extra effort to result in higher prices. If it does not, then there must have been something wrong. This principle is known as effort versus results and we will cover this in more detail later.

    A high volume up-day into new high ground with the next day level or down is an indication of weakness. If the high volume had shown professional buying, how can the prices not go on up? This action shows that buying has come into the market, but be warned that the buying has most likely come from potential weak holders who are being sucked into a rally top! It happens all the time.
    Effort versus Results

    Effort to go up is usually seen as a wide spread up-bar, closing on the highs, with increased volume – this is bullish. The volume should not be excessive, as this will show that there is also supply involved in the move (markets do not like very high volume on up-bars).

    Conversely, a wide spread down-bar, closing on the lows, on increased volume is bearish, and represents effort to go down. However, to read these bars on your chart, common sense must also be applied, because if there has been an effort to move, then there should be a result. The result of effort can be a positive one or a negative one. For example, on Chart 7 (pushing up through supply), we saw an effort to go up and through resistance to the left. The result of this effort was positive, because the effort to rise was successful – this demonstrates that professional money is not selling.

    If the additional effort implied in the higher volume and wide spreads upwards had not resulted in higher prices, we can draw only one conclusion: The high volume seen must have contained more selling than buying. Supply on the opposite side of the market has been swamped by demand from new buyers and slowed or stopped the move. This has now turned into a sign of weakness. Moreover, this sign of weakness does not just simply disappear; it will affect the market for some time.

    Markets will frequently have to rest and go sideways after any high volume up-days, because the selling has to disappear before any further up-moves can take place. Remember, selling is resistance to higher prices! The best way for professional traders to find out if the selling has disappeared is to ‘test’ the market – that is, to drive the market down during the day (or other timeframe) to flush out any sellers. If the activity and the volume are low on any drive down in price, the professional traders will immediately know that the selling has dried-up. This now becomes a very strong buy signal for them.

    Frequently, you will see effort with no result. For instance, you may observe a bullish rally in progress with sudden high volume appearing – news at this time will almost certainly be ‘good’. However, the next day is down, or has only gone up on a narrow spread, closing in the middle or even the lows. This is an indication of weakness – the market must be weak because if the high activity (high volume) had been bullish, why is the market now reluctant to go up? When reading the market, try to see things in context. If you base your analysis on an effort versus results basis, you will be taking a very sensible and logical approach that detaches you from outside influences, such as ‘news’ items, which are often unwittingly inaccurate with regards to the true reasons for a move. Remember, markets move because of the effects of professional accumulation or distribution. If a market is not supported by professional activity, it will not go very far. It is true that the news will often act as a catalyst for a move (often short-lived), but always keep in mind that it is the underlying activity of ‘smart money’ that provides the effort and the result for any sustained price movement.
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