daytrades april 8 afternoon, page-47

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    2pm - 'Economic news' courtesy reminder time Traders,

    Traders, please note the following 'Economic news' which is due out in the US this evening:-

    Market Focus/Highlights

    "Easter effects will make chain-store sales difficult to read, turning full attention on what is hopefully further improvement for weekly jobless claims and the first reading on the April employment report." [Source: Bloomberg]

  2. Jobless Claims [ merits extra attention]
    [New unemployment claims are compiled weekly to show the number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time. An increasing (decreasing) trend suggests a deteriorating (improving) labor market. The four-week moving average of new claims smoothes out weekly volatility.]

  3. EIA Natural Gas Report [ merits extra attention]
    [The Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides weekly information on natural gas stocks in underground storage for the U.S., and three regions of the country. The level of inventories helps determine prices for natural gas products.]

  4. Chain Store Sales
    [Monthly sales volumes from individual department, chain, discount, and apparel stores are usually reported on the first Thursday of each month. Chain store sales correspond with roughly 10 percent of retail sales. Chain store sales are an indicator of retail sales and consumer spending trends.]

  5. RBC CASH Index
    [The RBC CASH (Consumer Attitudes and Spending by Household) Index is a monthly national (U.S.) survey of consumer attitudes on the current and future state of local economies, personal financial situations, savings, and confidence to make large investments.]

  6. Fed Balance Sheet
    [The Fed's balance sheet is a report showing factors supplying reserves into the banking system and factors absorbing (using) reserve funds.]

  7. Money Supply
    [The monetary aggregates are alternative measures of the money supply by degree of liquidity. Changes in the monetary aggregates indicate the thrust of monetary policy as well as the outlook for economic activity and inflationary pressures.]

    [EIA Crude Oil Stock is a measure of change in crude oil storage and it's released by the Energy Information Administration. This report indicates the oil demand and the price volatility.]

  8. 3-Month & 6-Month Bill Announcements
    [Treasury bills are sold at public auctions every week.]

  9. 30-Yr Bond Auction
    [Treasury notes are sold at regularly scheduled public auctions.]

  10. Ben Bernanke speaks
    [Federal Reserve Chairman - Speaks on "Economic Policy, Lessons from History," to the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress's 43rd Annual Alexander Hamilton Awards Dinner, in Washington. ]

  11. Narayana Kocherlakota speaks
    [Minneapolis Federal Reserve President - Speaks to the Helena, Montana, Business Leaders Luncheon.]

  12. Donald Kohn speaks
    [Federal Reserve Vice Chairman - Speaks about the economic outlook at the Community Leaders Luncheon at the San Francisco Fed. ]

    [Sources: Bloomberg &]

    ... and there is no 'Economic news' due to be released in Australia tomorrow

    ASX Market Watch (widget snapshot)

  13. The DOW Futures are currently Down 21 pts atm (Live).

    ** If this 2pm/mid-afternoon courtesy reminder of upcoming 'Economic news' is of use to you, then please feel free to give this post a thumbs up, or vice versa! **
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