daytrades august 9 afternoon, page-3

  1. 34 Posts.
    Gee I'll tell you what makes me real nervous is when the media call on the biggest of idiots to tell us we're ok. Take a look at this video of none other than MIKE NORMAN talking on Fox. It really sends shivers up my spine to hear his voice.

    It just astonishes me that everyone still says US Treasuries are fine and a safe investment. They get Warren Buffett who IMO is the biggest PR fraud of modern times on the record saying they should be AAAA, Geithner and Obama telling S&P they've made a terrible mistake. All the trashy business programs on CNBC and the like telling people not to worry.


    IMHO this is why. The reason they're doing it is because they need to suck in as many fools as possible to fund their spending binges. The more fools that buy treasuries the more money they get. Think about it, if people stop buying them, what happens? Prices fall and the yields go up. So now they have to pay greater interest on top of the principal, can they afford that, NO WAY. Sure they can print as much money as they want but what happens then? Inflation, more likely hyperinflation.

    So again, the end game is the DEBT, as soon as people wake up to the enormous Ponzi Scheme the better. Once people stop buying treasuries, the cliff edge is a matter of inches away. For me they are a GIGANTIC SHORT sometime soon if not right now. But be very careful trying to pick a top and carry tight stop losses as always because you never know how long it'll take for the bubble to burst.

    Just my take on this folks
    All the best
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