Good morning Traders (thanks for the handover highlandlad),Dow...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Good morning Traders (thanks for the handover highlandlad),

    Dow Snapshot

    "Investors return from a long holiday weekend having bid adieu to the Dow's worst May since 1940. But the issues that caused the collapse haven't gone anywhere. On Friday, ratings agency Fitch downgraded Spain's debt to a lower investment grade. The nation's debt remanins well above junk status, and the move surprised few market watchers, but it pummeled stocks nonetheless, reminding investors that Europe's debt crisis is far from over." [Source:]

    The DJIA Index last traded: Down 122.36 pts; and
    The SPI Futures are currently: Down 17 pts atm.

    Of Note in Australia Today:

  2. RBA Interest Rate Decision [Market moving indicator]
    [RBA Interest Rate Decision is announced by the Reserve Bank of Australia. If the RBA is hawkish about the inflationary outlook of the economy and rises the interest rates it is positive, or bullish, for the AUD. Likewise, if the RBA has a dovish view on the Australian economy and keeps the ongoing interest rate, or cuts the interest rate it is seen as negative, or bearish. ]

  3. RBA Commodity Index SDR (YoY) (May)
    [The RBA Commodity Price SDR released by the Reserve Bank of Australia is considered as an early indicator of export price changes. The price changes influence GDP and exchange rates. An increase in prices may indicate strength of the AUD, while a decrease in prices may indicate weakness of the AUD. A high reading is seen as bullish for the AUD, whereas a low reading is seen as bearish.]

  4. Retail Sales Trend (MoM) (Apr)
    [The Retail Sales released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is a survey of goods sold by retailers is based on a sampling of retail stores of different types and sizes and it''s considered as an indicator of the pace of the Australian economy. It shows the performance of the retail sector over the short and mid-term. Positive economic growth anticipates bullish trends for the AUD, while a low reading is seen as negative or bearish.]

  5. Building Permits (MoM) (YoY) (Apr)
    [The Building Permits released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the number of permits for new construction projects. It implies the movement of corporate investments (the Australian economic development). It tends to cause some volatility to the AUD. The more growing number of permits, the more positive (or bullish) for the AUD.]; and

    Of Note in the US this evening:

  6. ISM Mfg Index (Mar) [Market moving indicator]

  7. Motor Vehicle Sales [Merits extra attention]

  8. Construction Spending [Merits extra attention]

    Gold Futures: Gold is neutral atm and is sitting at $1,216.20/oz (Kitco);
    Oil Futures: Oil is Up $1.14 at $75.11/barrel (NYMEX/Bloomberg); and
    The Dollar: The AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.8435 cents (Forex. Live).

    Have a great day trading today all!

    Cheers, Tweets (:

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