Good Morning all (and nice work opening up the Pre-Market thread...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Good Morning all (and nice work opening up the Pre-Market thread Endless!),

  2. Firstly, best wishes go out to Highlandlad today for his shoulder operation; I hope his recovery is a quick one & have no doubt he'll be looking over our shoulders from time to time as he recuperates on the sidelines. Also, please note that I won't be here to open up the 'Morning' thread tomorrow morning as I am heading off for a long weekend, so I would appreciate it if Poly, Libart, Endless, Roaminoz, Onslow, Haspete, Giz, Kevi, RWE, cha, (even c-gull, lol) et el could open the thread up in my absence considering Barnsty has decided to head tackle another Mod and has found himself in the sin-bin again (lol)! It's not a difficult job and even a news article to open up would suffice. Anyways, TIA guys!

    US - Market Reflections - Wednesday 29th June, 2011

    Further progress in Greek acceptance of austerity measures once again drove investment accounts away from safety and toward risk, giving the Dow a more than 1/2 percent boost to 12,261. Money moved out of the Treasury market making for a third straight weak auction, this time for 7-year notes where the yield rose nine basis points on the day to 2.39 percent.

    Draws in weekly oil and gasoline data fed a rally in oil where light crude rose $2 to $95. Gold ended slightly firmer at $1,510. Another 1/2 percent gain for the euro, which is at $1.4425, made for another 1/2 percent decline in the dollar index.

    Market Focus in the US this evening

    Another rise for jobless claims could definitely put a stop to bargain hunting in the stock market. A fall, on the other hand, could trigger even more aggressive bargain hunting.

    The DJIA Index finished the trading session: Up 72.73 points; and
    The the SPI Futures are currently trading: Up 31 point.

    On the 'Economic news' front, please note the following:-

    Of note in the US this evening:

    Jobless Claims

    Chicago PMI

    James Bullard speaks
    [St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President - Briefs reporters following conference on quantitative easing in St. Louis.]

    Of note in Australia today:

    Private Sector Credit (MoM) (YoY) (May)
    [The Private Sector Credit released by the Reserve Bank of Australia is an amount of money that the Australian private sector borrows. It shows if the private sector can afford large expenses, which can fuel economic growth. It is considered as an indicator of business conditions and the overall economic condition in Australia. Generally, a high reading is seen as positive (or Bullish) for the AUD, whereas a low reading is seen as negative.]

    Of note elsewhere today/this evening:

    European Monetary Union - Greek Austerity Plan Vote

    New Zealand - Business Confidence (Jun)

    Japan - Construction Orders (YoY) (May)

    Japan - Annualized Housing Starts (May)

    Japan - Housing Starts (YoY) (May)

    Germany - Retail Sales (MoM) (YoY) (May)

    Europen Monetary Union - ECB Trichet's Speech

    Germany - Unemployment Rate s.a. (Jun)

    Germany - Unemployment Change (Jun)

    United Kingdom - Bank of England Credit Conditions Report (QoQ) (Q2)

    European Monetary Union - Consumer Price Index (YoY) (Jun)

    Canada - Gross Domestic Product (MoM) (Apr)

    Japan - Unemployment Rate (May)

    Japan - CPI Figures & Manufacturing Outlook

    - denotes: Market Moving Indicator
    - denotes: Merits Extra Attention


    Gold is currently sitting trading Down $1.50 atm and is sitting at US$1,510.30/oz atm;
    Oil (Nymex Crude) is currently trading Up $0.51 atm and is sitting at US$95.28/bbl atm
    The Dollar: The AUD is currently trading @ $1.0687c against the US Dollar

    Sources used above:;;;; &

    Have a great day.

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