Morning all (thanks for the handover highlandlad),Snapshot Well,...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Morning all (thanks for the handover highlandlad),


    Well, it was a lacklustre night on the DOW by the looks of things, however the Ftse and the SPI managed to finish trade in the green. CNN also commented that "The technology sector is arguably the healthiest in the economy right now. But here's a sobering thought: Most major tech stocks are probably never going to get back to the levels they were at a decade ago." [Source:]

    The DJIA Index finished the session: Down 13.68 pts; and
    The SPI Futures are currently: Up 7 pts.

    Of Note in Australia Today: ANZ Job Advertisements (Feb); NAB's Business Conditions (Feb); Westpac Consumer Confidence (March); and

    Of Note in the US Tonight: - API Crude Oil Inventories (March 5); ICSC-Goldman Store Sales; and ABC/Washington Post Consumer Confidence (March 7)

    Gold is Down $10.70 atm and is currently sitting at $1,123.70/oz (Kitco); Oil is Up $0.37 at $81.87/barrel (NYMEX/Bloomberg); and the AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.9086 cents (Forex. Live).

    Have a great day trading today all!

    Cheers, Tweets (:

    PS: I won't be around a lot of today Traders, but will be back to close off the 'Morning thread'. (:

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