daytrades may 10 morning ...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Good morning Traders (thanks for the handover highlandlad),

    Dow Snapshot

    "A brutal week on Wall Street left all three major stock gauges in negative territory for the year and the Nasdaq in full-on 'correction' mode. This week looks to bring little in the way of relief. Cisco and Walt Disney are both expected to report improved profits this week. Meanwhile, readings on the labor market, inventories, consumer sentiment and retail sales are likely to show that the economy continues to recover, according to economists' forecasts. But as Friday's better-than-expected April jobs report made clear, investors know company and economic news is looking better. They aren't focused on that at the moment; they have other things on their minds." [Source:]

    The DJIA Index finished the session: Down 139.89 pts; and
    The SPI Futures are currently: Down 49.00 pts atm.

    Of Note in Australia Today:

  2. National Australia Bank's Business Confidence (Apr) (Moderate volatility expected)
    [The National Australia Bank Business Confidence is a survey of the current business condition in Australia. It indicates the performance of the overall Australian economy in a short-term view. A positive economic growth anticipates bullish movements for the AUD, whereas a negative growth is seen as bearish.];

  3. ANZ Job Advertisements (Apr)
    [The ANZ job advertisements released by the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) presents the number of job advertisements in the major metropolitan newspapers and on the internet sites. It is used for forecasting employment growth in Australia as it indicates future labor market conditions.A high reading is seen as bullish (or postive) for the AUD, whereas a low reading is seen as bearish (or negative).];

    Of Note in the US tonight:

  4. Ben Bernanke speaks - Commencement address to the University of South Carolina (High volatility expected);

    [Sources: Bloomberg &]

    Gold Futures: Gold is Down $8.00 atm and is currently sitting at $1,200.00/oz (Kitco);
    Oil Futures: Oil is Up $0.81 at $75.92/barrel (NYMEX/Bloomberg); and
    The Dollar: The AUD/USD is currently trading at 0.8952 cents (Forex. Live).

    Have a great day trading today all!

    Cheers, Tweets (:

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