currencies continues to drive equities. US getting their wish...

  1. cha
    5,796 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 635
    currencies continues to drive equities. US getting their wish and I am getting mine. drs copper nickel zinc continue their run.

    G20 next week and may see a change then. gamesmanship up to now with US pumping money into market to force China to act to appreciate Yuan.
    Mobius Says World Bull Market Faces No Risks `Any Time Soon'

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    {"s" : "","k" : "a00,a50,b00,b60,c10,g00,h00,l10,p20,t10,v00","o" : "","j" : ""} Bloomberg News, On Friday November 5, 2010, 3:32 am EDT
    The U.S. Federal Reserve?s bond purchase plan will further drive the rally for global stocks and push commodity prices ?higher and higher,? said Templeton Asset Management Ltd.?s Mark Mobius.

    ?We could have an optimistic scenario for quite some time,? Mobius, who oversees about $34 billion, said in a telephone interview from Beijing yesterday. ?Commodities are the big area for us. We are great believers in higher commodity prices and therefore are investing in commodity companies.?

    The MSCI World Index yesterday surged to a two-year high, gold jumped to a record and crude oil advanced to a seven-month high after the Fed announced Nov. 3 plans for $600 billion in bond purchases through next June. Asian stocks rose today, pushing a benchmark gauge to its best weekly advance this year, on speculation the Fed will succeed in stoking growth in the world?s biggest economy.

    The liquidity flooding the global economy from the Fed?s quantitative easing will extend record gains for commodities and dollar depreciation cannot be avoided, said Mobius, 74, who is also the chairman of Templeton?s emerging markets group.

    The U.S. economy is growing and that will have a positive effect on Europe and spread to other countries, Mobius said. The ?bright spot? is the emerging markets where demand continues to grow, he said. Rising incomes in developing nations are especially good for consumer stocks, he said....

    bigger and more immediate issue facing the market is "Where's PJ" gun trader

    hurry back PJ.
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