Thanks highlandlad! 1pm - 'Economic news' courtesy reminder time...

  1. 25,108 Posts.
    Thanks highlandlad!

    1pm - 'Economic news' courtesy reminder time Traders!

    'Market Focus' in the US this evening

    "A sizable gain for durable goods orders would re-confirm manufacturing's leadership." [Source:, Mark Pender]

    'Market Reflections' from the last trading session (26.10.2010)

    "Another very weak reading on consumer confidence led Tuesday's calendar in a report that points to yet another round of disappointing payroll data. Case-Shiller and FHFA home price data were no better than soft and follow yesterday's decline in prices for existing homes. Earnings were mostly strong led by Ford, engine maker Cummins and handbag leader Coach. Yet there were some disappointments, holding the Dow to little change at just under 11,170.

    The dollar showed a big change on the day, reclaiming lost ground with a seven tenths rise on the dollar index to 77.66. Helping the dollar were higher rates, the result dealers said of technical selling with the 30-year yield up nine basis points to 4.00 percent even. Gold and oil were steady at $1,340 and $82.50." [Source:, Mark Pender]

    Of note in the US this evening:-

  2. Durable Goods Orders [ Market moving indicator]
    [Durable goods orders reflect the new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. The first release, the advance, provides an early estimate of durable goods orders. About two weeks later, more complete and revised data are available in the factory orders report. The data for the previous month are usually revised a second time upon the release of the new month's data.]

  3. New Home Sales [ Merits extra attention]
    [New home sales measure the number of newly constructed homes with a committed sale during the month. The level of new home sales indicates housing market trends and, in turn, economic momentum and consumer purchases of furniture and appliances.]

  4. EIA Petroleum Status Report [ Merits extra attention]
    [The Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides weekly information on petroleum inventories in the U.S., whether produced here or abroad. The level of inventories helps determine prices for petroleum products.]

  5. MBA Purchase Applications
    [The Mortgage Bankers' Association compiles various mortgage loan indexes. The purchase applications index measures applications at mortgage lenders. This is a leading indicator for single-family home sales and housing construction.]

  6. 5-Yr Note Auction
    [Treasury notes are sold at regularly scheduled public auctions.]


    ... AND ...

    Of note in Australia tomorrow:-

  7. Conference Board Australia Leading Index (Aug) [ Moderate volatility expected]
    [The Conference Board Australia leading Index released by the Conference Board measures future trends of the overall economic activity including employment, average manufacturing workweek, initial claims, permits for new housing construction, stock prices and yield curve. It forecasts short to mid-term growth in the Australian economy. Generally, a high reading is seen as positive (or bullish) for the AUD, while a low reading is seen as negative (or bearish).]

    [Sources used: &]

    ASX Market Watch (widget snapshot)

    Gold Spot Price atm (Kitco)

  8. ... and the DOW futures are currently Up 2 pts atm (Live)!
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