daytrading all day december 30, page-10

  1. 644 Posts.
    WARNING:-If u have no interest in Astrology - think it's a load of bunk please ignore this post.

    Interesting read on a slow day. Would never post this on here in busy times, seems not many around and thread understandably very slow, so thought why not?

    Signs of testing times as celestial gods square off

    by: Tim Boreham
    From:The Australian
    December 30, 201112:00AM

    When all other measures have failed for predicting the stockmarket, why not turn to astrology? Source: Getty Images

    LET'S face it, 2011 was a year when every conventional measure of sharemarket value (everything from charting to bottom-up analysis) fell short.

    So as per tradition Criterion cedes the floor to astrologer and former finance journalist, Julie McBeth.

    Last year, a gloomy McBeth divined the first signs of recession, a bummer of a time for retail and an even grimmer time for the Gillard government.

    This time the message from the heavens is more auspicious, if we can withstand a "nasty alignment" between planetary bovver boys Pluto and Uranus.

    McBeth writes: "According to dire apocalyptic predictions, 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar and the end of the world, which puts last year's economic jitters into perspective.

    "But I don't agree with the doomsayers. Earth will survive 2012 and like the doomsayers of 1999 with the Y2K saga, those waiting for the end will be disappointed. However, 2012 will have more than a few market upheavals, especially in June, when the heavens experience big shifts we haven't seen for a while.

    "First up is a nasty alignment between the two big guns of the sky, Pluto and Uranus. They will square off in the first of three meetings that flow through until their final connection in April 2014. This means revolution, geological upheavals (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes) and a sudden rising of ideas and events.

    "For world economies, governments and individuals, this will set in motion incredible changes (some good and some difficult) and it will be tough for many people. In such situations, investors become fearful and communication and commonsense will be very important.

    "The second celestial marker for June 2012 is the once-in-a-lifetime transit of Venus, called an occultation and similar to when the moon moves in front of the sun and forms an eclipse.

    "This transit happens in pairs every 121 years. In astrology the sun represents leaders, masculine energy, and gold. Venus represents women, feminine energy, worth and value.

    "The first transit of this current pair was in 2004. This year we can expect changes to what we think is valuable, changes to personal worth (both good and bad) and, on a broader scale, the value of commodities and money.

    "This pair of eclipses is so rare the last time it happened was in 1874 and 1882. The next will be in 2117 and 2125. So look for the links and connections to 2004.

    "You may remember the National Australia Bank horror story of 2004: losses totalling $360 million had been covered up as a result of unauthorised spot trades on its foreign currency options desk.

    "This led to resignations from the top with the CEO and chairman resigning, and a woman (Venus) Cathy Walter being the whistleblower. What will the pair eclipse of Venus mean for NAB and the banking sector this year?

    "May-June also marks two eclipses on May 21 and June 5. We experience eclipses twice a year, so they are not all that unusual, but they are when combined with the other celestial movements.

    "I think the months of May, June and July will be feted turning points, both locally and overseas.

    "Shockwaves will be felt as political parties, governments, leaders and all kinds of structures tumble. Israel and Iran could be a focus.

    "In Australia, up to June 2012 there will be behind-the-scenes machinations for both political parties. No one is safe. Both the government and the opposition are lining up for leadership challenges. Who will be left with a chair once the music stops?

    "Lucky planet Jupiter will bring good fortune and expansion to those involved with banks, financial services, money and beauty supplies. Commodities in the first half of the year to do well will be beef and cattle, corn, copper and beans. From June 2012 to June 2013, the following industries will be fortunate and expand: advertising, books, magazines, newspapers, television, telephone companies and shipping. Anything to do with communication will be strong for these 12 months.

    "Unfortunately for retail, sectors such as fashion, art, music, home furnishings and apparel will continue to experience difficulties until October.

    "For investors, we see turning points in sharemarkets around the following dates: January 24, February 8, March 21, April 10 and 16, May 16, May 20, June 4-5, June 25-27, July 13, July 20-21, August 8, September 18-22, October 4-5, November 13 and 28 and December 13."

    [email protected]

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