Daytrading Dec 17 afternoon, page-51

  1. 35,765 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 555
    NRT actually have good management with pedigree in the sector it's just it's always incredibly cash intensive - poor form would really be from market in not knowing a move for capital was coming after such a spike in price and with volume. The good outcome would be if they had lined up US capital as based on history they are one of the better known Oz bio's in the US & they used to get much coverage there although those days are long gone & didn't end too favourably. It was a good update yesterday bar still early stage but I don't think capital will come out of the US against timezone if it was it wouldn't be coming this late in the day so probably just another Aus based move.

    FWIW I don't hold NRT but I have in the past - go0d luck
    Last edited by Akki: 17/12/14
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