Good morning traders. Thanks Highlandlad . Thanks Gizard ,...

  1. 9,428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Good morning traders. Thanks Highlandlad . Thanks Gizard , excellent post.

    Aurizon’s Hunter Valley rail drivers are striking over unfair working hours and conditions for 48 hours. Aurizon usually carries c.25% of the region’s coal into Newcastle, however BHPB has already hired competitor, Pacific National, to assist while the strike action is underway. Aurizon is also threatening workers with “lock-outs” once they return on Thursday.

    Unions ain’t gunna like that, I see a bun fight starting.

    Gold traditionally has had a negative correlation with long-term US real interest rates; a lower bond yield would imply a higher gold price.

    Overnight bond yields down and gold price up , obviously following the script .

    The GDX index decided to go its own way …….. down 1.39 %

    Biotech sector continued on its merry way …… “to infinity and beyond” Buzz lightyear

    Good luck and dyor.
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