Hi Kookeboy, I have been where you are now, and it is the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 502
    Hi Kookeboy, I have been where you are now, and it is the hardest position i feel in learning how to make money from the market. Here are a few tips that i can give you.

    Choose 2 shares that you like particularly, then look up their history and see how high and how low they have been in a 5 year period. Then compare it to the current price and news that is surrounding that share ie. i mean Announcements ETC. for example Minara is a pick i like at the momment, because it has come down from around 5.00 dollars as a 3/4 high. One year ago they had an explosion at one of their facilities and it sent their shares south.

    Not long after that the depression set in, now minara are a nickel miner, and Nickel has suffered terrible over demand. but now it is on the wanted list.

    I bought 100 k at .35 cents. As they started going up and down ten cents, i would sell 50k and keep the other 50k up my sleeve, so if the share kept going up i would still be making money, if the share came down and i thought it would go lower i would only buy 25k and hold the remaining 25 for when the share went lower. This is my day trading technique.

    now you have to understand a little bit of technical analysis, i don't care what anyone says, there are a lot of people who don't know how to trade using analysis. Go to utube and learn about bollinger bands, fast and slow stocastic, and volume acculation. I like Bollinger bands because i they apply to all parts of the market. I will post a thinning and a break awy example after this.

    Now remember Kookeboy, to be a good trader you have to be able to multitask in your mind, you gain the upper hand by analysing information and makking decisions on the strength of your own confidence, and decisions. This means comming to terms with your own mistakes and learning from them, and not takking them on board too much.

    Like Gordon Gecko says in the movie, you win some you lose some, but you keep on fighting.I Will post that chart next. You will learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible if you can take the heat. Thats why where you are now is the hardest point just before you have made the jump with your own money, nothing can replace it. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable risk emotion and control it because when you have to make the the most crucial decisions in this game, your emotions will be out of hand.
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