i just reposted it hector,has nothing todo with my trading...

  1. 6,543 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    i just reposted it hector,has nothing todo with my trading styles or when to hold or sell,read it...more todo with picking the trolls....i dont survive in this game by thinking every share i hold is a winner or reading every nutcase who thinks this is a social baiting media outlet.A negative review which is clear and states proof of why is more important to me than a toot toot rocket ship is leaving the port post.I would like to think my fellow d/t have my back to a degree and will point out when i'm about to purchase a stock that is a possible bad trade..i learnt by reading and doing and sound advice from long time posters who show there crediantials by what they contribute to this thread not by there calls.I personally dont get involved in ramping or downramping as they muddle fact...i get annoyed when i see a newbie posting everywere and does not hold but will dish out advice like they have been doing this for 10 years,this is were i would like hc to montor certain indivduals as to keep them inline and the integrity of this site.The last time a called a guy a troll he turned out to be 17 in high school.
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