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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 691
    A new priest arrives in a small european village to take the place of the regular priest who is on holidays.

    An elderly gentleman visits him & says

    "Father I wish to make a confession.

    This is something that has been troubling me for very may years.
    I grew up with our regular priest from childhood & as he is my life-long best friend I have been too ashamed to tell him."

    The priest says "go ahead my son what is it"

    The old man says

    "This goes back to 1944 during the war.

    One day a beautiful young jewish girl about 16 years old came to my house in great fear. The germans were rounding up all the jews in our village & she feared for her life.

    She begged me to hide her.

    I took the long ladder from outside & put it up inside to the trapdoor in the ceiling of my house& I hid her up there.

    The germans came to my house many times, but they never found her.

    Every night after dark I would take the ladder & open up the trapdoor & take her some food & drink.

    After a few weeks of doing this, she was so grateful we became " very friendly "

    From then on father, every single night we made passionate love...Every single night without fail.

    The priest said.

    "What you did was wrong.

    But you put your own life in great danger at the time & as you were both young, under the circumstances what happened is understandable.

    Your sins are forgiven.

    A great look of relief comes over the old mans face & he says

    "Father, you don't know what this means to me.

    You have lifted a great burden from my shoulders.

    Thank you very very much.

    Father I have one more question for you"

    What is that my son" he says.

    Should I tell her... that the war is over.

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