William,For what its worth, I see where you are coming from with...

  1. 2,990 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23

    For what its worth, I see where you are coming from with your constant posts about stocks that rise and then fall, however mate you need to work on your delivery. The way you post comes out as accusatory, arrogant and pure defamatory. I'm not having a go at you, I'm just stating that questioning posters in riducle format is making you more enemies than friends and you are quickly losing the respect of other posters quickly. You should not be questioning people's ethics either especially when you don't know them other than from a random username on a random forum.

    Clean up your delivery, your attitude towards others, stop riducling other people's calls or people who got stuck with a stock that dropped and you might find people's perceptions towards you change. And just remember one thing, this is a forum about shares, that form part of the stock market. The stock market has no friends and its a eat or be eaten world out there. Just wathc Trading PLaces and you will know what I mean.

    You could take my advice on board or you could tell me to knick off, but I'm just telling you for your own good.

    Good luck
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