daytrading nov 13 afternoon, page-167

  1. 62 Posts.
    Donkey, I feel I owe you a response but I promise nothing further on the topic after this (sorry Trees & Endless), it's done & over and you can say what you like and there will be nothing more on it from my side.

    The weird thing is your statement directed at me is exactly what TH's posts were saying Fib did (did *** take money out of your pocket - Did he take the food off your families table?). You did read those posts before you posted right? For the record, I have lost nothing due to TH, I prefer CFDs so the equities mentioned here aren't really my game.

    I haven't got a problem with TH, in fact I find some of his calls great (far better than my own on penny stocks to be fair, I have a pretty bad track record) and calls are what makes this forum what it is, but I do believe in calling something what it is which seems to be something a handful of posters here have a real problem with because it highlights their real motives. I mean the posts are there for all to see, why are some trying to call a pig a unicorn?

    Saying there is a group of posters on here who post stocks they have bought in / accumulated early on for their own benefit so they get pumped and they can then dump into the masses isn't a bad thing because obviously those who grab on for the ride along the way benefit too.

    But I'm sure it really hurts for the guys who come on here with their $5-10k savings thinking they're going to make it big only to end of buying PSY at 20c this morning and now wondering how the heck to tell the Mrs they managed to lose 2/3 of what they started the day with. Like you say, buyer beware, I don't disagree.

    My problem is I feel for these guys (the guys who lose their savings, never to be seen or heard from again as they're too embarrassed), but I don't really feel too bad and I actually find it a little disgusting when someone cries poor over & over again about not having been able to accumulate enough of a stock for their greedy little selves before it takes off, and acts like they're somehow the only one that was aware of it and were masterfully collecting it unknown to all the peons and underlings on the forum whom they then hoped to sell to at a nice profit. It's even more amazing for them to say that they were sick of everyone else talking about PSY whilst they continued to tell everyone how much they coulda shoulda woulda made if only Fib had considered them before he posted?. All I can say to that is suck it up princess.

    I don't pretend to represent the majority of posters here as you're seemingly alluding to, but if "most" on here couldn't give a flying toss about someone being called out on their crying poor why does my post have the highest thumbs up on the DT forum today? Perhaps I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking ... I'll let you be the judge.

    Now as Paprika said, back to the ramping!
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