XJO 0.06% 8,374.0 s&p/asx 200

dead cat bounce dying already

  1. 95 Posts.
    Refer to title. This week will prove once and for all government intervention can not change markets. Let the stocks revalue to where they should be at fundmentally, and we can start to build from there.

    My christmas XJO target = 2000 points. My dow target = 4000 points. Good luck all. I've changed all my superannuation funds to cash. Pretty amazing thing for an 20-something options trader to do I know. Says a lot. Imagine the poor baby boomers who have left their super alone to watch it fall 40 percent and counting. Some one should have told them to change to cash in Feb so they could actually retire in the next two decades.

    Oh that's right, that would be against the average financial planner's ethos. Don't want them to "lock in the loss" even though the market could stay down there for years for all they know.

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