Deal with India on the handling of the 157 illegals!, page-11

  1. 3,492 Posts.
    Strewth! There are no genuine refugees on board. This attitude by the determinedly stupid Left is what leads to able bodied men claiming disability pensions and then going to the ME to wage jihad and pose with the dead bodies of men they have just executed. There has to be a special gene in these willfully silly people that disallows them to see what is so plainly obvious to the rest of us.

    My one conundrum however is how did this gene mange to get passed on via evolution. I mean these people would have been the ones cuddling up to carnivores and seeing no problem and getting eaten whilst the rest of the tribe high-tailed it to safety. Or maybe it is a modern mutation brought about by repeated watching of Leftist propaganda on the ABC.

    Just beggars belief really.
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