dear four corners, page-2

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    regardless of his sob story, we personally don't need any of it.
    it is downright evil to treat any animal as an industrial product. And those that partake are bound to suffer repercussions according to their degree of indulgence.

    many of these non-human animals spend their enitre short life in a paddock with no trees or shade.
    forced to produce milk unaturally, their young taken away from them depriving them of motherhood, etc
    human prisoners in jail get a thousandfold better treatment than that.

    we are told a lot of lies and incorrect information by "so called" health and nutrition experts.

    if the state of you mind tends towards purity, then amazing things can happen such as:

    i recenly helped to convince a friend that drinking cow's milk was not a good choice for various reasons.
    at first it was seen as something near impossible to acheive, but once the change was made, the illusory bubble popped quickly, and no problem.

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