dear four corners, page-9

  1. 2,463 Posts.
    I expect most contries we export to have electricity in some form - whether it is a reliable supply or not may be another matter.

    Certainly many parts of Indo do not have refrigeration readily available so that would impact heavily on thier standard of living. Meat can't be aged in a cool room for 4 - 6 weeks - so they want it to be warm when bought because it is indicative of being freshly killed. Conversly in Aust. most Aussies would expect thier meat be tender by being aged for at least 4 - 6 weeks in the butcher's cool room - even if they don't realise it.

    Unfortunatly the lack of fridges in Indo and other developing worlds means not only can't meat be aged properly - cold chain medicines are not available either.

    This is in part why they have such a high incidence of death from post partum bleeding in less developed countries - drugs that help control bleeding after giving birth such as syntocinon or ergometrn require an uninteruppted cold chain of supply - f left out of the fridge for a week or so they become inactive. So whereas in Aust death from PPH is rare (unless you give birth in an ambulance that doesn't have a fridge so can't store uterotonics) death from PPH is still common place in developing countires.

    I can not imagine eating a steak that was walking around a paddock cpl of days ago let alone line up on a slaughter line hours ago
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