...I for one am very happy to be aligned with the US in these...

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    ...I for one am very happy to be aligned with the US in these times...Do i want Australia to be militarily allied with China...NO WAY..

    ....Its intersting when you look at a country for example the Philippines who were under occupation during WW2..

    ..The Filipina woen were raped, Families murdered and the country plundered from the Japanese occupation...The US came and rid The Philippines from the Japanese occupation and when you talk to the average Filipino in the street they have nothing but praise for the Americans, especially the ones who were directly involved...

    ..Then comes Australia...Try talking to our diggers who lost their lives fighting these Japanese near Darwin...If not for the US we would be living in a completely different Australia, one without freedom and the lifestyle we ALL enjoy...

    ..I am not a conspircay theorist, i am an historian who goes on fact, not on some pie in the sky theory...

    ...Have the US made mistakes in the past..Yes they have...But the good the US has done has far outweghed the bad...like it or not..


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