Nice read guys. A normal house that is electric heated will...

  1. 3 Posts.
    Nice read guys.

    A normal house that is electric heated will costs you about 1500$ of electricity per year meaning at 10 cents a kilowatt 15000 kw per year (or 41 kw per day) I notice that many readers/posters seem to confuse power and energy on this blog.

    A ICE car using a tank of fuel per week cost you about 3000$ per year for fuel only. Electric cars are easily twice as power efficient than ICE cars.

    Most drivers go about 20,000 km per year and that is 54 km per day. So on a 50kw battery and a 200km range you would be using only 27% of your charge per day and it should cost you under 3 dollars to top up.

    Prices for EV's are dropping and with big players adding more and more models to the market. Competition will do its job.

    Battery prices are going down and recycling is in progress. Batteries have gone from 1000$ to 200$ a kilowatt in 6 years and are forcasted to be at 150$ in 2020 and 75$ in 2030

    Most car buyers get a car for 3 to 5 years so for them the battery is not an issue. The car itself with an electric motor will last a very long time and most brands carry a 8 year 100,000 mile warranty. In 8 years from now, there will probably be some cheap trade in option to keep the second (or first) owner going.

    In the mean time ICE cars could implement regenerative braking and maybe hold up longer to EV competition if they had a fuel efficiency above 75 mpg.
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