death penalty conundrum

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Geezzzz, Im sick of Vans plight. Hang him already.

    BTW....for those of you who use the argeument that capital punishment violates the "sanctity" of the human life (says who) and removes the dignity from the individual and its barbaric yada yada yada...........

    ...are you the same people who scream bloody murder regarding euthanasia?

    Or medical abortions?

    I bet you do!

    Yet somehow you'll happily and from your perception of the moral mountain sentence a thinking, rational, sane individual to a life-ending period of degradation, loss of self control ,excruciatring pain and terrible depression.

    Wheres the dignity there? Or the sanctity?

    Same in many ways to the refusal to allow medially indicated abortions. You'd let the foetus survive thru delivery into a life of misery, pain and an even more painful death

    But hey! We did the morally correct thing, didnt we.....
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