duicorp and others under the Red flag brigade -in the good old...

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    duicorp and others under the Red flag brigade -

    in the good old days - there used to be Gentlemen - and Ladies - in politics. Even amongst Prime Ministers - but them of the male variety, until Gillard..

    Showing consideration, good manners, decency - Chifley, Curtin, Menzies, Howard - to name just a few. None of which qualities Rudd ever displays. His whole world revolves around HIMSELF - and looking in the mirror. And personally abusing his opponents. And blaming everyone else - except himself - for all his previously failed policies. Which he's hypocrite enough about to now be rushing around reversing - just to get himself "in"!

    OF course he knows damn well when the election date IS. Unlike a courageous gentleman would, he prefers to hide behind this information, smug and deceptive - and he'll ONLY choose to tell Mr. Abbott and His Party - at the very last possible minute. To starve them of ANY air space - (as is well known - Oppositions are just that - IN opposition -) and therefore do not get the headlines, incessantly. Rudd making it that HE'S in the headlines, HIS moosh - minute by minute.

    So it's RUDD who hasn't got the guts to level with the Australian people. Tell US when the election is. As is our right, moreso with the absolute chaos Government are now in!
    Who is it then who is "spineless" - if he were SO cocksure of victory - he'd call an election today!

    50 Millions of OUR dollars going out the window, DAILY, on Rudd's failed dismantling of the Howard boats policy. (Bet this coward never mentions that!). And the NBN's starting to unravel - hugely. Contractor now not getting paid - and abandoning, even trashing, their projects. Labor luvvie journos looking the other way.

    Tony Abbott has qualities, inborn, Rudd can only ever dream of. As have many of his Party - Bishop, Turnbull, et al. Such personal qualities as Class, and personal Dignity, the humbleness to know when to remain silent - not to resort to personally abusing their opponents repeatedly, as do Labor, constantly, turning the other cheek - and expecting the decent courtesy and right, to expect the courtesy from Rudd, of being promptly informed of any alternate, imminent election date, so that they too can properly prepare. (Not JUST Rudd - hitting well below the belt now with his rotten games!)

    Rudd doesn't DO "humble!". He doesn't do "courteous". He doesn't do "Fair". In politics. Nor does his Party.

    He wants to, cheaply, vacuously, superficially, COMMAND that Abbott come debate him Now (his little foot stamping petulantly!) What a damn cheek! What, Abbott HAS to obey this dictatorial alleged impostor - run in, and, in front of all Rudd's compliant, toadying, complicit, sycophantic, glued on Labor luvvie Journalist mates - at the Press Club "munch", Abbott has to toe Rudd's line - HIS commands. ALl credit to Abbott for telling him to go jump! As he should!

    The time to start serious debating of issues and policy is called "The Official Campaign." And NOT before- to t placate the erratic Rudd whim! Rudd now showing himself as the cheap stunt merchant he really is.

    Gosh, Rudd such an alleged meglomaniacal sociopath - he'd even go along with putting Abbott on a chain, like some trained captive bear, to drag him around behind him, captive and subservient, whilst he spouts rubbish to gullible mall shoppers, all hugely deluded (inexplicably) by the Rudd switched on and off again fake smile.

    The Rudd way (behind the scenes) always to rubbish, personally snipe, demean and belittle - his little primly pursed lips, the constantly flicking tongue, giving the real game away.

    Personal attack - sure. But sick of Labor always getting away with it. Have to fight fire with fire.

    WILL the REAL Rudd please stand up? Well, yes he will. But only if, and after, he wins the election! Never to be seen in some grotty shopping mall - what, wasting HIS MAJESTY's time talking to the great unwashed after he's duped them? - AGAIN? NO, never again.

    As I keep saying, you luvvies want him - and IF we all (tragically) GET him - then don't come moaning to us.

    The main worry is that Aussies are now so gullible - SO easily led - so uncomprehending, politically, they haven't a clue they're being taken for fools. (Love to be a fly on HIS wall - after some of these "walk the malls stunts!). Rudd has them thinking he's some "star". Clever - for him. But for Australia - dangerous, and disastrous.

    PS: Anyone KNOW Tim Flannery? Let him know - that a little town in Tassies, yesterday, was at MINUS 12 degrees centigrade - their coldest ever recorded temperature. Melbourne now getting zeros - or 1 degrees, most mornings.
    Frost back - with a vengeance. Yep, the planet is "melting!" (Wish I was getting paid $180,000 pa. to tell people, falsely, for only 3 days a week, that it is!)
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