very interesting subject, i am eagerly awaiting the end date of...

  1. 8,231 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 190
    very interesting subject, i am eagerly awaiting the end date of the mayan calander, not as an end for humanity but a new beginning ?

    also the age of aquarius is dawning, it does not happen suddenly, we are on the cusp, the age of piscies is now dimming (piscies denoted by the fish & closely associated with the fisher of men jesus) the hippies were about the dawn of aquarius & the new age of understanding/enlightenment. the dates calculated by astrologers are quite vague & describe the peak of the aquarian age. the period from roughly 1900 onward is the start of influence of the new aquarian age & by some is considered to be the reason for our new found power/enlightenment through computers. science & reason should now start comming upon us at an increasing rate ?

    the mayans indicated that these last years of the great calander would be a period of adjustment, to cope with our future & speed of change we will have to adapt from logic, to the last untapped human talent, that of intuition !!! some may find the transition to much & fall ? maybe this is what is to occur in 2012 but by no means the end & it is only doomsayers that predict this date as such, however we will not have long to wait to find out. hope to be posting to you all in 2014 ;))
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