Defence advised to walk away from French subs, page-63

  1. 336 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17
    I’m on the same page Daz. This whole deal has his grubby finger prints all over it.
    To add insult to injury, this muppet is offering financial advice adds on TV along with Kosh from sunrise.
    IMHO, forget the subs altogether. If if isn’t a nuke with the big crackers, ie Polaris or equivalent, you are just bringing a knife to a gun fight.
    Australia’s coast is so large, even a nuke sub couldn’t react to a threat.
    Air defence is our best and cheapest option. Australia developed the sona bouy a world leading sub detection system, coupled with MAD (magnetic anomoly detection).
    Yes we need a Navy. We need top class surface vessels, that meet our requirements.
    Just shifting gears. As for the F35 JSF. What an absolute waste of our hard earned, this A/C had over IK faults, it was a military version of the 737 MAX.
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