Took me a while to find it but here are two intelligent people...

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    Took me a while to find it but here are two intelligent people discussing Wto article 24 which i referred to as '20 something' . The header is a bit misleading though because they describe this Cambridge academic lawyer as a 'trade expert' when JR-M displays a much better understanding of article 24 and eventually makes the lawyer back peddle and agree with JR-M's interpretation ( 5min 2 sec to 5mins 16 sec in vid below) even though the Lawyer has been reading article 24 for 20 yrs! lol ..................(i dont know whats happened over the last 30 yrs at Cambridge Uni but im sure they use to produce intelligent people biggrin.png)

    Heres a link to the official Article 24......

    so what this means imo, is on departure of EU in a few days trade continues 'as is' for up to 10 yrs or until a negotiated WTO deal with the EU can be hammered out and certified, then that needs 164 countries to give it the imperial stamp or take court action if it effects them undesirably. A bit more info in vid below about article 24 but the journo is struggling to process the document but does explain more of the WTO rules which will eventually apply however at end he doesnt think the 10 yr neg window wont apply but as seen in the above vid the two more educated people understand it will apply. it's not really a secret weapon either its just the WTO law or rules that apply, The journo just trying to spruce it up a bit with some bias as a remainer but if you ignore his opinion and assumptions theres some handy facts. In the vid below he also says an article 24 has never happened and imv thats probably because something like a no-deal brexit has never happened so the UK and EU populations are lucky that whoever wrote the WTO rule book back in the day had the vision and compassion for the general population to write article 24 which basically prevents instant large scale change in trade and thus peoples regular lives if countries fall out or in this case if political structures change which potentially could have major impacts on historical 'norm' trade. ............thats how i understand it anyway.

    For more facts without bias here is WTO talking about and answering some questions about different scenarios. Note that the WTO doesnt get involved until UK formally/leagally leaves which i think is in law to be 29th march unless UK gov Legally changes that Law, a vote or agreement to delay isnt law theres some other long-winded process to go through to change the law.

    So really to sum up and let you absorb my realist view free from weighted bias ive come to the realistic conclusion that a hard brexit is nothing to worry about because trade wont change, the UK will NOT enforce a hard border in Ireland, the UK will be free from membership fees, new trade deals with all WTO members can be negotiated by the UK and controlled by the UK and thus will reduce the cost of goods for UK voters and inhabitants. They could halve the cost of beef at Tesco's, Asda etc, ......The average Workers wages are cheap over there too,not lick here so they should also be able to attract new industry/investment etc moreso than now......The list of positives goes on and on but you have to dig for them because as you know the MSN only peddles its agenda, i try to ignore all the rubbish and focus on finding the points that matter.

    i sort of agree with May here below with the header... that NO DEAL is next best option or 2nd best because a Deal would have been best, even Cameron tried and failed to improve and modernise the EU structure that would have made it fairer for all civilians and most importantly make being part of the EU acceptable for the UK people. Now May can't even get an acceptable deal with the EU either, its unbelievable imo that the EU leaders think they can bluff the poms into a silly deal.... 2 yrs of timewasting, they must be very hard to deal with, could be high on being the dictator of EU member state and don't realise when we leave the EU the UK and the EU will have to negotiate trade on WTO member rules rather than EU rules, i dont really understand the EU playing chicken, they'll lose billions in membership fees and accept up to 10yrs of no change in trade. A Deal would have been best but the EU needs to cave in and melt like a snowflake to the needs of the UK to get a newly modified deal over the line in a vote, its best for the EU to get a deal and keep the billions in member fees.

    To be honest PD, im expecting a last minute change from the EU to meet the changes/additions/ammendents to the current deal that are needed because that seems to be the EU's best move......................

    .However and after a long read i should add some humour to ease the mind. wink.png. Can you imagine trying to do a deal with this fella! or even imagine him being our fearless leader!biggrin.png......................Even Butchers don't go to work this drunk, close but not quite...lmao....
    No wonder after 2 yrs still no-deal, i don't totally blame May, it couldn't be easy, but if its a NO-DEAL Boris is the man for the job imo and thus my 'wild cast' as you put it. Of course all is just my view but have gone to some length to explain my reasoning, you and everyone can form your own views and/or perhaps counter argue the topic.

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