Pintohoo, you have too much focus on Trump and how people must...

  1. 4,508 Posts.
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    Pintohoo, you have too much focus on Trump and how people must be stupid to support him.

    Your erroneous opinion of him dominates your thinking, and you ignore everything else.

    Do you self a favor, and forget about Trump for a little bit.

    Turn your attention to Hillary, or to Bruce Ohr, or Nellie Ohr, or the Clinton Foundation, or to 9/11, or the US Navy ship Liberty, or to the Podesta Group, or to the Mueller investigation, or to John Huber, or Huma Abedin, or Seth Rich, or Clinton's term in Arkansas and the Clinton Dead Pool and the Mina airport, or to John Ashe, or Andrew Breitbart, or to the ABC news conference where Sheriff Arpaio proved that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, or to Web Hubbell and Chelsea Clinton.

    Listen to the sworn Congressional testimony of HRC, Loretta Lynch, James Comey.
    Familiarize yourself with the latest on Perkins Coie, Tony Podesta, Carter Page.
    Check out some news sources that are not propaganda...Sara Carter, Zero Hedge, independent youtube
    videos by Praying Medic or some of the others. Take a listen to Hannity or Pirro.

    Put Trump out of your mind.

    Your prejudice against him, created by the crooked media you listen to,
    is blinding you to the the crime and corruption he is fighting.
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