Democrats Are Not Ready For 2020, page-2

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    February 20, 2020
    Bloomberg Doesn’t Actually Want to be President, Has Secret Plan to Keep Bernie from Being Nominee

    We’ve been learning a lot about the past comments of miniature billionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg now that he’s getting a lot of media scrutiny in the 2020 race. Bloomberg told an audience last year that fighting for the unalienable right of transgender men in dresses – which he referred to as “he, she, or it” – to take a shower with your middle school daughter is a losing issue for Democrats.
    Bloomberg has also referred to women as “fat broads” and “horse-faced lesbians.” He sounds like me on the golf course!
    Another thing that the soda-banning, gun-grabbing nanny-stater has in common with me is that, like me, he’s not running for president in 2020. He’s really not. The picture is actually starting to become much clearer now.
    To call Mike Bloomberg “out of touch” with the average American would be a wild understatement. He’s spent somewhere north of $400 million on ads promoting himself for the 2020 race so far and is expected to spend around $2 billion before the DNC nominating convention next summer. He won’t even notice that the money is gone when it’s all over.
    To put Bloomberg’s incredible wealth in perspective, think about that $400 million he’s blown on YouTube ads so far. He could have given every man, woman and child in America $1 million and still would have had enough left over out of that $400 million to outspend the entire Democrat 2020 field so far.
    He’s that rich and out of touch. His dopey comments about farmers show that he knows nothing about the world’s breadbasket, also known as “America.” Great job, Mike. Now tell us another funny story about your mum’s servants when you were growing up in that palatial mansion. Those knee-slappers always reveal to us what a Regular Joe you are!
    Bloomberg is not a stupid person, obviously. He owns one of the largest media outlets in the world which has his name stamped on it and he’s a finance oligarch. He has to know and understand that he can’t beat Donald Trump in the election next November. No one likes Mike Bloomberg. He doesn’t care, because he goes back to one of his mansions and sleeps like a baby on a big pile of money every night.
    So what’s really going on with this Bloomberg “run?”
    We should know for certain after Saturday’s Nevada and next week’s South Carolina primaries, but it sure looks like his plan is to snatch delegates between now and the convention next summer. That throws everyone’s “path to victory” math off.
    Bloomberg doesn’t need to win a majority or even a plurality of delegates. He just needs to win enough delegates to keep Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination outright.
    That means a brokered convention, folks, which we haven’t seen in America since 1952.
    Thanks to the crooked and shady rules that the DNC has in place, Bloomberg can give away his delegates at a brokered convention. Gosh, I wonder if Mike Bloomberg has any special friend out there that he would consider giving away his delegates to? Someone, perhaps, who has been holding joint fundraisers with the DNC at her house since last October?
    But, but, but…!
    Bloomberg is in talks with Hillary Clinton to have her run as his vice president!
    Yeah, sure he is. Bloomberg may be a bit clueless when it comes to farmers and NASCAR fans. But he’s not so dumb as to want to put himself in the Oval Office with Hillary Clinton just one slippery banana peel away from all that power. He doesn’t have a death wish.
    The reports that Bloomberg and Clinton were having “talks” were true. I’m sure they were. They were going over the plan for the brokered convention that Bloomberg is in the race to create.
    Bloomberg’s massive advertising blitz is also a major data mining operation. All of those ads popping up on YouTube and your mobile phone and your PlayStation from Bloomberg are being used to poll various “centrist” Democrat positions on issues, so that Bloomberg’s friend Hillary will have the perfectly-crafted, data-mined, Artificial Intelligence campaign platform ready-made to take on Donald Trump. And at that brokered convention, Bloomberg will give a very gracious speech.
    In that speech, he’ll talk about how it’s so very important for America to nominate a candidate who can really beat Donald Trump in November. He’ll talk about how Bernie and the rest of the dorks can’t beat Trump. And then he will graciously bow out, while handing his delegates to his very good friend Hillary.
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