Depression and mindfulness, page-59

  1. 30,055 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    just chanced upon this thread as watso was wondering what happened to our good friend aimone - as he had not posted for a while on the world politics forum ..

    the reality of life - is that we all have lows in our lives .. and as great as what the great fatso is - he does not handle relationship breakdowns all that well ..

    donkey years ago - watso was banned from HC , when he was going through a relationship breakdown ...

    for what it is worth - but alcohol got watso through the darkest times of his life ... ie - watso never needed anti depressants - indeed watso never sees a doctor - unless he is on deaths door - but at the time he used to do some work for a doctor - who has been an acquaintance for about 35 years

    these days, watso is single and could not be happier .. he has two children - and in all fairness, life has been good to watso ..

    anyway - the other night, watso caught the tail end of a radio (damn - watso lost the remote control to the tv - and listens to the radio) talk about diet and health - including mental health ..

    anyway - according to the guy on the radio show - in the gut - there are normally 85% good bugs and 15% bad bugs - but the diet will affect this balance .. and too many bad bugs end up affecting the brain .. ie the mental state of a person ...

    anyway, for what it is worth - but watso's diet is good (he often posts on the food and nutrition forum .. because it interests him ) ....

    oh - and never forget exercise .. today , watso only walked a miserable 3km first thing in the morning (often times, watso might walk approx15km - spread between early morning and late afternoon) .. - but during the day - cycled 30km ...

    lol lol fatso watso is not really fatso watso (just slightly overweight) - watso just likes to amuse himself - particularly when some rwnj's think that they are hurting watso by calling him FATSO ..

    anyway - we are all different .. . we are born the way that we are born - matters of NATURE and NURTURE come into play ...

    for what it is worth - but a lot of people have depressing lows in their lives - but it is important to distinguish between neurotic and psychotic disorders ..

    neurotic disorders are not hereditary - but psychotic disorders are ..

    anyway - one way or the other - a good diet and exercise will always be good ..

    exercise produces a hormone called serotonin - which is a FEEL GOOD drug - which the body naturally produces
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