desperate leftards throwing fuel on the fire, page-43

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Rudd had nothing to run on except for his failed attempt to create some fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) about Rhodes Scholar, loving family man and defining politician of our time Tony Abbott...

    That strategy has clearly failed with Australian voters with more than a shoe-size IQ but seems to have succeeded somewhat with the extreme-low-IQ traditional, rusted-on labor voters, but fortunately, there are just not enough of these challenged individuals left to make much of a difference to the election outcome...

    Rudd's reappointement as stooge-PM by the shadowy, backroom union-bosses who own and control the labor party, seems to have been another of the increasingly desperate and panicked moves these union-bosses are making, but does serve to allow the failed and incompetent Gillard to make a clean getaway and largely be forgotten by the Australian electorate as just a very, very bad nightmare...

    There are simply not enough voters dumb enough to fall for the union-bosses game of "switcheroo-musical-chairs-PM" when it is played again and again despite a corrupt leftist media trying to pretend that the unbalanced Rudd was a real contender...

    Tony Abbott played Rudd like a banjo using the old "rope-a-dope" strategy to let Rudd motor-mouth on and on and allowing Rudd to hang himself with his never-ending mouthing of increasingly desperate and inane foolishness...

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