Despising Islam?September 19, 2004by J. Thomas LowryThe clash of...

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    Despising Islam?

    September 19, 2004
    by J. Thomas Lowry

    The clash of civilizations is more than the average liberal can stomach. Raised and educated softly, with nary a bit of toughness about them, liberals instead seek others to do their bidding. In the present clash between the barbaric Islamic murderers and the civilized people of the world, the liberal roots for the barbarian.

    The liberal is the idealist, the one who yells, “Hug a terrorist,” hoping that by doing so the liberal will instill the same sort of idealism in their new “friend.” Hollywood, like Tokyo and Berlin in World War II, is home to the enemies of America, along with cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Tehran, and Riyadh. The same liberals who sought favor with communists now seek it with the purveyors of Islamic jihad.

    The elitists fail to realize that the average Muslim would dislike Hollywood liberals more than a person in the Bible belt. The soft mass of the liberal would make an excellent meal for the barbarian. There is no strength in liberalism, only excuses and half measures. Simply put, the terrorists that use Islam only see strength and violence. Thus, they can only appreciate an opponent who will seek to put them down, not make films that defend their actions.

    There is no defending their actions, as much as celebrities and academics would love to try. Recently watching C-Span, this author witnessed a young man blame America for all that is wrong in the Islamic world. Applause from the youngsters in the room obviously made the young man happy. Sadly, he is facing away from the truth. Islam is to blame for the state of the world Islamic community. Their inability to become part of the civilized world is not the west’s fault. It is rooted deeply in their perverted view of the world. Further, no one in the west wants them in their countries.

    Germany and France are aware of the problem and understand that at some point in their future they will have to deal with the Islamic threat. Civilized people shall only put up with barbaric behavior for so long before they too will act. Even France, the bastion of liberals everywhere, will seek to curb the number of Muslims streaming into the country.

    Sadly, for those of the Islamic faith who desire peace, they will be swept aside if the radicals are not defeated. Note the word defeated-not appeased. Differentiating between radical Muslims and peace lovers is difficult. We cannot hold up westernized leaders in Islamic countries as examples. That is akin to saying that Brett Favre is representative of all quarterbacks. He is not. He is exceptional.

    On the ground, there is no differentiating. The threat is real and growing by day. We must take decisive action over the next decade to stop militant Islamic terrorists from spreading. We stopped communism by treating communists as enemies. We must do the same with the war on terror. Push hard and make those Muslims who desire peace help to thwart radical Islam.

    It will not be easy. Yet one gets the feeling that there is indeed a war going on beneath the war. Christians and Jews, as well as other religions, are starting to look at Islam with menacing eyes. If this continues, good men will associate and those who murder will face a threat that the UN cannot stop. It can happen. Let us hope peace prevails – but not at the cost of capitulating to barbarians.

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