I don't think I could live with out my MacBook, been travelling...

  1. 1,859 Posts.
    I don't think I could live with out my MacBook, been travelling overseas for 30 months, I keep in touch with family and friends using Skype and email, banking, searches, bookings online, my online radio, so many things we now take for granted.

    Wealthcrea8or, you really don't know what you are missing re the GPS, my marriage would be over without one, have used mine in Scandinavia, Europe, UK, USA and Canada.

    Dishwashers, I can do without and just a waste of water, same goes for the microwave. Mobile phone, I don't own one now, thank goodness, and I never miss having one

    Wasted $$$$ ..... Spa baths, what a waste of space they are.

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