Dick Smith on HALAL...( allegedly ), page-56

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    "If you are a believer , in whatever, do you honestly think that WE ( the only species , that can blow-up , over-populate , pollute, etc ...... this planet to extinction ) are so superiour to other species...?"

    Mack - a MILLION TUs from me. I am totally against hallal and kosher slaughter. They derive from Middle East tribal cultures when there were no refrigerators. To reinforce the health aspects they have been written into religious creeds. Barbaric and ridiculous imo in the modern world.

    As for the "Something" you mention, it puzzles me why an "all knowing, omniscient and completely benevolent patriarchal god created a planet so full of pain and cruelty. Where a great many creatures have to devour others in order to survive.

    The so called food chain is bloody, violent and brutal. At the top sits mankind, created Christians believe, in the "Something's" image. Many committed deists think nothing of eating the flesh of a young lamb and love hunting animals and birds for ???sport. I can only deduce that their god must be pretty blood thirsty.

    Surely the "Something" could have easily created a non- carnivorous world?

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