all the people waiting for the house price crash, or a...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    all the people waiting for the house price crash, or a slowdown....really should have a look at dick smith's documentary...was on the abc last night
    he cited the example of half a million new residents in one year alone....130k's natural births, the rest were immigrants...
    key points...the govnuts are not building any infrastructure eg houses, hospitals, shopping centres to cater for the increase...
    if you put all of the 500,000 new residents together in one place, it would be a decent sized major suburb....which would require everything people would expect
    instead of the govnuts closing land for parks, they should be releasing more land for housing
    only if they cut the immigration intake dramatically, and build hundreds of thousands of new homes...will the prices come down...
    not one state govnut, or federal govnut is proposing to do anything to the change the status quo....
    until they do...and it is dramatic....
    you will need a plan B now....if you keep waiting, you will be too old, as in an aged pensioner, and then the banks wont lend to you, when you find that house in your price bracket...
    ps the building industry represents 10% of the economy...which all govnuts are aware of, no wonder they keep turnng out stimulous packages....
    ps a hint for those with a keen eye on house prices...
    there will be a steady flow of immigrants to regional centres, cause the housing is cheaper out there....
    the droughts broken in central nsw and vic, the dams are now full, the cockies will be spending and hiring again

    the only problem in some places is the current govt resources tax...get rid of that govnut and that tax,,,and it will be rosy again
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