Hi Tonio, I'll try and refrain from pointing the finger because...

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    Hi Tonio, I'll try and refrain from pointing the finger because at the end of the day, your salvation/position will be between you, God & Jesus. Following is quite a mouthful, which can be backed from the word of God IMO, whether what's already in your mind will allow you to see or actually check from the Bible yourself, I don't know? One thing I do know or believe based on our prior posts, without God & Jesus's help, it would be an up hill battle if at all as I have been there.

    Hi Wotsup,
    98% of the time I am well but how do you feel being the very vocal 2%, ramming the square peg of your theology (or in the case of MrG a stake)
    into the round whole of scripture while screaming , it fits, it fits.
    If quoting Bible verses (God's word) which you more often than not ignore is placing a square peg in a round hole, then I'm am happy to be guilty as charged. The truth will set you free.
    However, God gives us a warning if we don't follow the truth - He will send delusions and you WILL believe lies. That means, you will not have a choice or come what may, you wont be able to see the lie. So maybe the hole I'm presenting is in fact square but no matter what, your seeing a round hole?

    It must be frustrating not to have found the Son of God in the OT. There he is hidden in plain sight
    Jesus is both Lord and God. Abraham knew him and was glad and Jacob wrestled with the idea
    Son of God in the OT. -
    No idea where you have gotten the idea that I couldn't find "the only begotten Son of God" in the OT, Prov 8 for starters. Are you actually reading your own words here, Son of God? = He is the Son of someone?
    Jesus is both Lord and God. - That's nothing new but do you understand the hows and the true context of it?
    Jesus also has a LORD over him as well and that being, The Lord God Almighty, Jesus's God & Father 1 Peter 1:3.
    Psa 110:1 The LORD (God) said unto my Lord (Jesus), Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
    Rom 14:9 For this end (for this reason) Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.
    Abraham knew him and was glad - and in fact rejoiced to see his day.
    I find it rather sad to see what people do with this area???
    The key point that Jesus address in this area was, "they said he was not old enough to be around before Abraham". Jesus says, before Abraham, I am = I was there/around before Abraham. For people to then stretch this truth and then claim the Jesus is saying he is the I AM referred to in the OT, IS NOT FROM THE WORD OF GOD.
    AND all that God is saying in Ex 3:14 is, I AM THAT I AM. Moses asks, what name shall I tell them? Effectively God's says, just forget about my name, I am what I am AND THEN he says;
    Ex 3:15 And God said moreover (far more important) unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, "The Lord God" of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, etc etc...... hath sent me to you: this is "my name" forever, and this is my memorial unto "all generations".
    How people can drag this I AM down to this latter (align it to it) verse and claim the name of God is the I AM, has me totally amazed as God clearly says The Lord God is the name to be used forever.

    Another interpretation of how and why Abraham rejoiced and what he actually saw or experience and perhaps has more Biblical verse support is briefly along the lines of;
    Gen 3:15 Her seed - All the Prophet's were told and aware of a future Seed (Jesus) that God had promised (seed of David, Abraham's seeds, root of Jesse, I will send a messenger etc etc).
    Now Abraham was told how he would be blessed and how his seed will multiply. He was given a vision or whatever, PLUS we certainly know how much faith he had, so he had no doubts whatsoever. So he was rejoicing, exited for "The Future Day" at the resurrection where he will see the realization/extent of his promise, thousands of his descendants. Can you imagine that?
    A little hard to swallow you may be thinking = well,,,,, think again and go and have a good read of Hebrews Ch 11, especially 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises but having seen them afar off, and where persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

    As for Jesus being God - John 1:1-18 is the prologue for John's gospel. There is so MUCH within this small section if only one eyes can see and thine ears hear?
    You will notice God's promise in 1:14 being fulfilled, He sends Jesus, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father............
    In Luke we see that Mary was told, the son you will have will be "called" the Son of the Highest and in Mark 1:11 God says, Thou art my beloved Son. NOTE here - He is referred to as Son.
    Now we come to verse 1:18 which is after Jesus has been to the cross and now with the Father in his bosom. However, the true wording of this verse 18 from the Greek, Jesus is referred to as "the only begotten God". He wasn't referred to in this manor at the time he came flesh? It does however fit in line with what all the Prophet's were told would be in the future.
    How why etc - As you saw above, Jesus suffered death so he could be Lord etc. You know from various verses that Jesus has been highly exalted etc and given a name above all names, so that fits in perfect with 1:18 as he is referred to as the only begotten God.
    Interesting, to my knowledge (happy to be corrected) prior to Jesus going to the cross, he is not referred to as God or a God.

    Matt 1:23
    23 Lo, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a son,

    And they shall call his :name Emmanuēl;
    which being interpreted is, :God with us.

    Confirmation of what I was saying directly above (future seed) as this quote you have here is supported/in the OT.
    Emmanuel - God with us. What part are you not seeing in the verse above about the child = God's Only begotten Son?
    Mary was with child because of the Holy Spirit - Does that mean the Holy Spirit is Jesus's Father = No, but what is spells out in clear language is - The Holy Spirit, God & Father of Jesus (1 Peter 1:3) are one in the same.
    Jesus received the Holy Spirit without measure at his baptism and received the promise of getting the Holy Spirit from the Father for what he was doing and done Acts 2:33. (Note he received it, it wasn't a promise to get it BACK).
    Jesus in John on many places tells us, God was with him AND IN him.
    Hence the promise given - When the Holy Thing, Child comes, God Will be with Us as he was in Jesus and working through him = Simples - 2 Cor 11:3-4 warns us to watch out for those that corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ.

    John 1:14
    14 And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we

    beheld his :glory, glory as of an only begotten with a father, full of
    grace and truth.

    The Greek wording for this verse = The word flesh became,.............
    Jesus became flesh by the word of God via the Angel to Mary. Jesus brought with him as the Prophets were promised by Jesus's God and Father, the word, words of God. So God's word came in the flesh of Jesus.
    Deu 18:18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. Jesus confirms this in John 12:49-50
    Jesus in John 14:10 Makes it clear the Father that dwells in him is the one doing the works.
    So the very word in John 1:1 is the same word (God) that came via the angel to Mary. If one insists that Jesus is the word in John 1:1 then your going to have to say, the message via the angel to Mary was from Jesus and I personally at this point in time will not swallow that.
    You would also have to claim that Jesus was the speaker (the word) in the Gen's creation account, when clearly Almighty God must have said to Jesus, lets us make man in our image. Jesus in the NT makes it clear it was His God and Father that made male and female in the beginning.
    So if one brings the word of someone else's with them, how on earth can you claim that they are that word?
    Acts 10:36 appears to object to this as well; The word which God sent (spoken word) unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ.
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