Greetings Tonio, Get yourself a cuppa as this may get looooong...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Greetings Tonio,
    Get yourself a cuppa as this may get looooong as I'm including a copy of what I sent Mr G and before you come back to read, Go to God through Jesus, seek, request his and Jesus's truth, knowledge, wisdom, understanding of Their word, not yours or mine and as you are asking, consider it already done, with absolutely NO wavering/doubt that thy will be done. However it is my advice to also cover, you don't fully understand their makeup, you are told it's a mystery and that doesn't make sense considering the word Children is mentioned over 800 times throughout Your Word. No shame in just being honest because for certainty, "I" don't know if you at present are actually making contact with the true God & His Son, I just don't know? (No disrespect here) But one thing I know for certainty is, if one doesn't find and connect to the true God you WILL NOT get all of God's message/word.
    I was only able to come to what I say is the truth with the approach of the above and much, much more and it was like war at the same time. Understand and find the armor of God because if your serious, you WILL need it. Don't forget, there is another after you!!!
    If anyone wants to suggest I claim that I claim superiority or something special, then I will strongly oppose this nonsense head on as I am only pointing out what is shown clearly, several times in John alone and this is available to ALL.

    Coming up is the basics I what I say The Word is, so I will just cover a few of your points first with God's truth.

    Light = 1 John 1:5 (Ch 1 is mainly about The Almighty God & Father) God IS Light and that was part of the message they Heard from The Beginning and was ALREADY in the world and that is very clearly covered in the OT. Hence Jesus said, "I am come "a" light into the world". John 12:46.
    Rev 21:23 God is the light and the Lamb is the light there OF.
    God in the singular (which he is) can be plural in that, there are many aspects to him and somewhere (can't recall the verse ATM) Moses is described in this manor.
    It was this one singular God that said, let there be light. And later Gen shows that someone was by or with This Singular God when the Ours & Us are mentioned and this singular God "HE" made man in "HIS" image made "HE" him. Jesus confirms it was His God & Father that made them, Male and Female. Jesus DID NOT say "WE"!!! Don't add or assume and especially when there is NO justification.
    Yes there are two aspects to light which is also God, literal and metaphorical type. As in, let God's light shine out of you.

    1:9 The true: light was which coming into the world...........
    When I see the nonsense as shown here in this verse, it sickened's me, mans tampering.
    The life and light (Every Mans first breath was already in the world).
    1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY man that cometh into the world.
    What part of this do you not get? Not every man get's this life, eternal which comes through Jesus.
    It is The God and Father of Jesus that gives the first Breath/Life to every man that comes into the world.
    Yes it may seem I have gone cookoo and obsessed with this subject ha.
    It seems to me, one of the reasons people don't get it is, they see and read the other three Gospels and automatically assume or say, John's starts out (about Jesus) on the exact same path when it does NOT.
    When you align all the OT verses etc, it is clear John is told to make the way, the path clear, straight (as it's narrow and hard to find) FOR God, who is about to send his Son.
    So to put them in the picture, straighten every one out, John's Gospel does a recap from, as in OT, whence All comes from, The Word and HOW as shown in 1:3 creation, where ALL life and first breath of every creature comes from, 1-4 = God's Words, the author of, Is God, summed up as The Word, his words are Spirit and Life. God is the true light, that gives the first breath to "every" creature and it's secondary meaning, eternal life or the how and means is later shown to be through Jesus.
    He (God) was in the world as the OT confirms and as the OT CLEARLY shows, it was made by him.
    He come to his own and most knew him not = flood etc. We know some, Prophets accepted him.
    Jesus is clearly Not in the picture yet, Mystery of God still.
    And then 1:14 which IMO, is more so or reference to after his baptism, at 1:16 Jesus's work is complete as we have seen his Fullness and confirmed in 1:17 as it shows the new way and at 1:18 he is now in the bosom, seated at RHS of God.
    Prior to Jesus coming, John was baptizing with water and telling them of what was yet to come and how baptisms would changed and you would be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    1 John Ch 1 picks up on this exact same theme, story line. Jesus also spends much of his time, same theme presenting The Father.

    THE WORD - The pure essence of God. Inner thoughts of your/His mind, soul & spirit, intimate or secret, nature and plans etc, which was in the beginning with God and God was the Word. The SAME was in the beginning with God 1:2
    The Word is the sum total of the Fullness, potential of what God's inner was and is.
    Later expressed out, come forth, out from God as The Word of God = Carries and shows the thought and intent of the speaker/author God.
    In the past this came and was relayed to man via the Prophets, Tablets and as Moses was told in Deu 18:18 and confirmed by Jesus, over and over - I will put my words in Jesus and command him what to say and speak and that = The Word of God, hence Jesus has a NAME, The Word of God.
    He's not The Word BUT, The Word "OF" God in NAME!!!
    He is the light shining OF God (Rev), He brought that light into the world to Show us. Jesus said, WHILE I am in the world, I am the Light. In John it says, I am Come "a" light.
    He is the Image OF God
    He is the Seed OF God
    He brought with him, God's Sword
    Jesus tell us, This Word, God's, will judge you.
    God's Words are Spirit and life.
    There is but ONE Spirit and that is The Holy Spirit which is God's as he IS a Spirit.
    Jesus received the Holy Spirit OF God as promised Acts 2:33 (It was NOT a promise to receive it Back). See how this OF keeps showing up.

    Define OF if your having trouble understanding the OF, haha.

    The Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world = THE WORD = God's mind, spirit, soul intent etc, creation was to be, because of, reason for, by and through Jesus and this fact, not wotsup's, is well and truly beyond doubt confirmed in the OT by none other than the word of God. And just for a snippet as there are many verses; Gen 1:1, Neh 9:6, Acts 4:24, 2 Kings 19:15, Ps 102:25, Ps 33:6
    As Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world, Pre - thought of, plan of, it was BY & Through these thoughts, plans, Jesus center of the picture, that the worlds etc were made By & Through Jesus. God reason, cause and purpose. And the Bible shows us this over and over and over and some.

    So all of what THE WORD represents above and much more is what God wants to abide in us, SO He will be ALL IN ALL!!!
    Wants us to be in the Image of His Son.

    WHICH IS, AND WHICH WAS, AND WHICH IS TO COME, THE ALMIGHTY. Rev 1:8 which also shows us, He is the author of His Alphabet for HIS WORDS = the Alpha and Omega.
    Logic tells one, you need letters first to form your words.

    PS. We are warned to watch out for those that corrupt the simplicity that is in Jesus = As above.
    Jesus is Michael = Simplicity = No and more like a mystery of man.
    Jesus The Word? when Heb 11:3 tells us and confirmed in Gen, that the worlds were framed by The Word of God = Mystery of man again and NOT simplicity.
    If you are OF something as in, of God's word, You can NOT be that which you come from.

    So Tonio, the challenge to you is - Show me from the Bible, with verses how what I say can not be supported from the Bible.
    That is, show me how and why the first 13 verses of John can not only be talking about the God and Father of Jesus.

    I ask - What do you do with the several OT verses where it says, God alone created etc = WHAT???????
    All through the creation account, He, He, He, He - are you trying to tell me that means three = hahahaha

    I will send a little more after this post on the by's & through's however that will show up first.
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