Did God foreknow the rebellion in Eden, page-480

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Me to, but at least now I don't need to think, perhaps I'm eating Milly or the two that we had to hand rear, Baby & Bunting as at one time their mums died giving birth. Boy was that a challenge and a laugh.
    When rearing calves you start them off on a bottle and then with them sucking your fingers, you lead their mouth into a bucket and eventually you can take your fingers away and they drink by themselves.
    Anyway, Baby appeared to be a bit thick and took a lot longer and would only drink with your fingers in her mouth.
    The wife used to do it - so picture the scene, Bunting caught on very quick and would guts her milk, wife grovelling on the ground, fingers in Babies mouth, Bunting wanting Babies milk and would come up behind the wife at full speed, head up the wife's backside and she would end up face first in the dirt, bla, bla bla, Hence the reason one got called bunting.
    You can imagine, calf drinks and ends up with milk froth all over mouth and head, which as you can imagine would end up smudged all over the wife haha. It got to the stage that she used to feed them dressed up in wet weather gear , what an event and sight.
    Eventually, they become mums as well.
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