Ethnic CleansingNo one doubts that Netanyahu and his ultra right...

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    Ethnic Cleansing

    No one doubts that Netanyahu and his ultra right wing political allies have long wanted to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.

    But how to get the Israeli people to accept a massive war crime?
    They needed moral outrage, they needed an event horrible enough that it would invoke the worst instincts of humans.
    They needed an Israeli 9/11.

    Over months Netanyahu tightened the screws on the Palestinian population.
    Then, repeated warnings were received by Israel that something BIG was imminent.
    Israel's response was to remove 3/4 of the troops from the Gaza border, so
    as to enable a manufactured "security failure".

    Not only were the troops thinned out but at just the right moment communications, we are told,
    between Israeli units went down. The claim is that Hamas commandos took down the communication,
    BUT whose claim is this?. The claim comes from the same people that manufactured the
    "security failure", the IDF.

    The IDF would rather have the charge that "mistakes were made" rather than that the
    security failure was by design.

    On any other occassion the IDF would never confirm to Hamas
    that their technique of attacking a communication center is a workable, successful tactic, it is
    ridiculous to believe that the IDF would. Never! Except to create a cover story for their
    manufactured "security failure".

    How often was the Hannibal Directive (or Hannibal Protocol) implemented that bloody day?
    Who is counting the casualties? And you can be certain that the numbers are inflated so
    as to maximize outrage.
    Netanyahu needed outrage, that was his goal so as to get the Israeli people to accept
    a massive war crime - ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

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