Did Jesus actually exist?, page-12

  1. 13,749 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    What evidence?

    This is well documented. The Council of Nicea

    Rome had around 52 'gods' they worshiped & Constantine thought that the Jews had 'one god' so as you can read.

    intention at Nicaea
    was to create
    an entirely new god
    for his empire
    who would unite
    all religious factions​
    under one deity.

    .......so it came to pass that Jesus krestus became the Roman Catholic 'god' - Christianity has 'branched' out since then with Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian all having their own say in matters.

    Christ as The Sun again & again & again.........

    Vatican Necropolis] 'The excavations, carried out between 1939 and 1950 on the orders of Pope Pius XII, revealed a pagan necropolis completely filled--in with earth by Constantine to form a foundation for the original ancient basilica in which was found the tomb of St Peter. After crossing one of the foundation walls in Constantine's basilica, the necropolis is reached. Two rows of tombs (dating from the 1C to early 4C) separated by a path are arranged on a slope parallel with the axis of the main nave and run from east to west. The entrance to one of the tombs bears an inscription recording the occupant's wish to be buried "in Vaticano ad circum". In another tomb, that of the Julian family, are the oldest known Christian mosaics. These show "Christ as the Sun" on a horse-drawn chariot and the two stories of Jonah and the fisherman.' [M-205].
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