Did Jesus actually exist?, page-546

  1. 2,096 Posts.
    If you want something to addle your brain see what you think of beliefs and claims such as these, which happened to turn up in a Goggle search on something or other !
    I couldn't get through the whole lot but it's an example of the mish-mash that is now out there.

    I read https://highheartlife.com/2018/01/09/some-2018-clarifications/ twice but couldn't make much sense of it and when she starts talking about higher frequencies and dimensions I get the feeling she's up somewhere in the gamma level and I'm stuck down in the radio level or lower.

    I'd need some compelling evidence that she actually knows what she's talking about, and it's not all b.s. before I started taking her seriously.
    I noted the conspicuous "Books for Sale" and "Donate" buttons at the top of the page.
    Most psychics just want to help gullible people part with their money via saying exactly what they want to hear.
    Am I being too skeptical?

    HOWEVER ... the world's top astrophysicists are seriously discussing multiple dimensions and multiple universes, so what do I know?

    I believe most of the reincarnation stories and NDEs are probably genuine, and there's no evidence of profit motive with most of them, so maybe there are people out there who can see things in higher dimensions that the rest of us can't.
    If so, it must be very frustrating for these people to be constantly ridiculed by us lower types who are confined to our basic 3D world.

    I'm a bit wary of theosophy, but have a read of this: https://theosophywatch.com/2018/02/03/this-reincarnated-baby-needed-to-speak/
    IF it's a genuine story then it confirms that there are people who operate on higher levels than we do.

    Psychic detectives do apparently sometimes solve crimes, although with mixed results: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic_detective

    I've never been a believer in astrology, but recently my sister and I have been having some issues, so one day I was drawn to http://www.ganeshaspeaks.com
    We 're like chalk and cheese so I looked up both my sisters and my star sign characteristics and was astounded to find that both of us were described TO A T!
    It would be interesting to know if your star sign characteristics fit your perception of yourself.
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