Did Jesus actually exist?, page-679

  1. 4,015 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Hi Copper

    "Hi Pear, curious why some limit him to the "gentle Jesus" whilst others favour the "wrathful judge of God Jesus".
    Even my very incomplete knowledge of what is written shows Jesus was all the above ... as it should be."

    You are correct of course. I was merely pointing out that the poster was deliberately choosing the gentle Jesus as proof that he would not approve of killing. There by ignoring that the Jesus of revelations will slaughter people and let blood flow to horses brindles of non-believers.

    "So, do you wonder why anyone not entrapped by Abrahamic traditions, shakes their head at the fact that the greatest conflict is between those whose profess belief in the same God ?"

    Copper, I don't believe that we have religion issues in the world. In fact I am not aware of any religion wars as such. It has always been about politics and economics and land. All leaders are able to instill into the gullible that they are fighting for God, But it is always for the leaders.

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