Did Jesus actually exist?, page-536

  1. 2,096 Posts.
    Not sure why you feel that statement implies " that the Big Bang just happened for no apparent reason and no external influences were involved.".

    Because you said, "The Creator of the Universe is the Universe, not something separate."

    We are a bit out of our depth when discussing the Creator of the Universe and it all happened so long ago it's difficult to remember the precise details !

    Yes, me too. I think I was probably caught up in some intense battle with a bunch of rebels during the Big War at the time so was probably focused on other more pressing issues.

    What gave those "missionaries" the right to destroy the lives and culture of others. God ?? Give me a break.

    You're right of course, so what gives our public servants and other "do-gooders" the right to interfere with and destroy our Aboriginal cultures?
    If Aboriginal elders want to sodomize their young as part of their initiation ceremonies, why should we interfere?
    If they want to bash their wives and rape their girls, why should we care?
    If they want to drink themselves to death and destroy what few brain cells they have chroming, what business is it of ours?
    They were quite happy before we came here so why should we get involved?

    I have also asked in the past what is it that is not "you" that could be reincarnated ? Who are you ?
    Another question is why are you so interested and what difference would it make in your life if you found that in a previous life you were a good looking blonde nurse killed in the Crimea war ?

    1 Corinthians 6:19 King James Version (KJV): What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    My interpretation of that is that my body/brain is my hardware and my soul/spirit is my software. When I reach my expiry date, my hardware will be sent for recycling but my software could be reinstalled on new hardware.

    I am interested because ... it's interesting ... and it's stimulating brain exercise ... "use it or lose it" as they say.
    Otherwise I'd just be sitting around in a drunken stupor all day waiting for the end to come.
    Why am I here and what is my purpose are intriguing questions.
    But, each to his own.
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