Did Jesus resurrect himself ?, page-284

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    And Word/John also said, the Father insisted that He (Father) be the speaker himself, for the first 17 verses,

    1 - In beginning I am the Word, and the Word I am to (toward) the God and God I am the Word.

    2 - This; I am in beginning to theGod.

    3 - All things through self,came into being, and without self-came into being not even one (thing)that come into being.

    4 - In self-lifewas and the life was the light of men.

    5 -And the light in darkness shines, and thedarkness not to lay hold of, seize.

    God speaking above 1-5

    6 - There came a man having been sentfrom God; name to him John.

    Writer of John speaking but maybe God? 6

    7 – This;to come to testimony, in order that to bear witness about the light, in orderthat all to believe through self. (God/Father)

    8 - Not I am that one the light, butin order to witness about the light. (Jesuswas going to become a light, and light, son of the Father of lights, hence Godexplaining, why he wasn’t the light, ref just here. John 12:46.

    9– Iam the light TRUE (Word), who gives light to every man,coming into the world. (God is light, Fatherof and his word is light and we are to become lights of His, his word/light forMoses and all, 1 John 1:5, James 1:17, Psa 119:105).

    10 - In theworld I am, and the world through self-came into being, and the world self, notknew. (World came into being by God’s Spirit/Word, verses support, Hewas not known generally flood as well Psa 33:6,9 Isa 44:24, Yehowah alone andby himself = Singular, as in one apple).

    11 – To the one’s own tocome, and the one’s own received not self.

    12 - How many howeverreceived self, to give self-power to act a child to God, to come into being. (Born of God, hisword is spirit and life, born again by his word, finalization, completion ofbeing a child, to come into being John 6:63, 68, 1 Peter 1:23)

    13 -Who not of blood, nor of will offlesh, nor of will of man, but of God were born. (As above)

    14 - And the Word/flesh to becomeand encamp in I (God/Father), and to behold the glory self,glory as only begotten by the side of the Father, full of grace and truth. (To become, encamp in I -> WORD = Door -> House/Kingdom-> Head = God Almighty,……I am in the Father says Jesus in John –> TempleGod is as is Jesus).

    15 - John to bear witness about self, andcried out loud, to say; This I am who bring word, the (one?) behind I to come, because first I am. (Johnthe Baptist was born 6mths prior to Jesus).

    16 - Because from the fullness(fillingup) self I, all receive andgrace over and against no grace period.

    17 - For the law through Moses was given;grace and the truth through Jesus Christ to come into being.(to happen, to become). (Again showing that Jesus is not literally in the picturehere in John and to boot, the finalization of this grace to be fulfilled afterthe cross and the final aspect at a rapture, 3 stages (meanings) in thisverse).

    God speaking 7-17

    18 - God no one has seen everyet; (the) Only Begotten God, the being in the bosom of the Father, thatone showed the way.

    30 This I ambeyond who I bring word; After I to come a man, who in front of I to become, becausefirst I am.

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