did she lie?, page-84

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    not All politicians. She's just the expert.

    It's not DID she lie - but how often does she lie, now, to preserve herself? Anyone keeping count? How often does she lie?

    anyone who can - suggest you watch Question Time Thursday - Channel 2 or ABC 24 - 2pm.

    Her voice is now shrill beyond belief - her vitriol in full flow - her nasal shreiking being replicated by Swan, (who'll have a heart attack soon so vitriolic is he becoming!) - and by Jenny Macklin - these three forget microphones have been invented!

    Gillard defies the Speaker by talking on and ignoring his order to sit down - should have been evicted twice now herself - and then when she can''t handle it she suddenly thumbs her nose at Parliament and us, and jumps to her feet rudely, closing off question time rudely and arrogantly with a perfunctory glance over her shoulder.! Breathtaking arrogance - not even Keating comes close!

    The Speaker is her man - there to do her bidding, I allege.
    Why else does he almopst in every instance only boot out Liberal members? When Gillard herself defies his ruling, and he sits and takes her breach of rules and says and does nothing!!

    Macklin did it to him today too - defied his ruling and kept on talking over him. She's perhaps the biggest Gillard sycophant of all - so cocky and smug - but it's catching.
    (seen the two head nodders at the back??)

    This arrogant self absorbed manipulating mob are now so out-of-control cocky and full of themselves, and defiant, they have this so-called democratic Parliament rigged now - so orchestrated and geared to themselves and what THEY want - it's becoming a Dictatorship - the Opposition being virtually gagged by the Speaker's disgraceful antics and by the ludicrously trivial, mundane and stacked Dorothy Dixer questions rigges up to be asked to soak up time by back bench hacks reading out by rote stupid questions to their own, people who can hardly recite the the scripts/stages questions someone else has written for them to ask - (one wonders how they ever won their seats so useless are they!) - and the goings on in the Chamber have to be seen to be believed. It's all chaos and shambles.

    Their middle fingers are up - and up to us - with disdain - they care nothing for us - the public who pay their wages!

    Nor are they governing. They're just hanging on by their fingernails. Playing dirty games every day to keep themselves in power.
    It's time the public revolted - but how?

    Watch it if you can tomorrow. It's a disgraceful farce - an asbolute disgrace.
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