GBG 0.00% 2.9¢ gindalbie metals ltd

directional movement, page-3

  1. 1,044 Posts.


    I agree the technical picture has gradually been turning more bullish over the last few weeks. In fact I think George Jones' purchase of 1 million shares a few weeks ago was the turning point.

    The other positive development today was that the 13 day m.a crossed above the 35 day ma. for the first time since October last year - great to see!

    Purely for a bit of 'entertainment' I reckon 97c could be an initial target. If this were taken out then $1.15 could be the next stop.

    Although I'm in GBG mainly for the long term (have been for 7yrs!), I do like to trade a few so I keep a close eye on the charts for turning points. It looks like we have one unfolding right now.
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