disasters—punishments from god?

  1. 11,911 Posts.
    In 1991, after the most devastating volcanic eruption in this century, the headline of one Philippine newspaper asked: “Eruption: Punishment from God?”Columnist Nelly Favis-Villafuerte expressed such a view when she wrote: “To Bible-believing Christians however—there is just one explanation: Mt. Pinatubo’s volcanic eruption is a divine visitation to remind us once again that there is an awesome and sovereign God with overruling power in the affairs and destinies of men and nations."
    The disciple James informs us in the first chapter of his letter, verse 13: “With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.” With the increasing worldwide population, man has come to live near many potential dangers. The demands for space to live and to grow food result in clearing of previously forested areas, at times even contributing to the intensity of some natural calamities from excessive rainfall and fast runoff.
    Therefore, it would not be correct to say that natural disasters are directly sent by Almighty God as a punishment on the people living in the areas affected. In fact, it is easy to see that many innocent ones, such as young children, suffer the most in times of distress.

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