CUV 0.67% $14.72 clinuvel pharmaceuticals limited

Disc Medicine - Best comparison stock to Clinuvel

  1. 827 Posts.
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    Thought it might be interesting to start a thread tracking the best company to compare CUV with. The reason for this is Clinuvel is only commercialised in EPP at the moment, and the leading drug candidate for Disc is targeting EPP, so it's possible to compare two biotechs primarily interested in the same market, and when I get more time I can add to this to compare long term performance over the last 5 years. Disc is many years off actually competing, but they are proving much more successful in attracting investor interest despite the prospect of the company just losing money for many years to come and with no guarantee they will ever get an FDA approval which would obviously be catastrophic for Disc.

    So to compare CUV to Disc medicine, which is still many years away from entering the EPP market where CUV enjoys an absolute monopoly. Disc makes significant losses, which is ok for this stage, but they may never even get that approval and they certainly don't make great and growing profits like CUV or have an FDA approved drug in their near term future yet they are valued at over $2 Billion AUD while CUV languishes at about 0.8 Billion (with $160M cash). Amazingly Disc should probably raise a bit of funding and offer cash/shares to take over CUV - CUV already monopolise the market DISC is seeking to enter with their lead drug candidate and CUV are already profitable - seems like good business sense and risk management rather than pouring money down the drain with no guarantee of success in 4-5 years time. It is really an absurd situation when the hopeful in disc has a valuation ~3 times higher than the commercialised, highly profitable FDA approved market monopoliser in CUV which also has several relatively near term 'blue sky' opportunities (including a phase III clinical trial underway for the blockbuster indication Vitiligo with their already FDA approved and safe drug) - Disc certainly doesn't have that. This seems to be a good reason to list on the NASDAQ where Disc is listed and in hindsight CUV should have done this several years ago in my opinion. Just out of interest I will compare a comparison biotech company on the ASX actually making growing profits - and not much more than CUV.

    So PME is another biotech who like CUV has been growing revenues and profits for quite a few years now:
    Pro Medicus FY2023 Revenue $125 Million, Profit after tax $60.6Million. Market cap $9.5 Billion
    Clinuvel, FY2023 Revenue $78 Million, Profit after tax $30.6Million. Market cap $0.8 Billion

    Pro Medicus of course has a share buyback conducted by Goldman Sachs in place and they subsequently have much less short interest/activity than CUV. That certainly leads to some very happy shareholders because that extra $8.7 Billion in market cap for just $30 Million more profit than CUV is really something to admire. PME could also throw a couple of billion at CUV for a takeover as it would bring their P/E right down from the very high level of ~150 while adding 50% to their profits instantly. I'm pretty sure the market would look favourably on such a move by PME and the same would go for any of the numerous highly valued Biotechs looking to acquire a lowly valued cash cow company with a long term monopoly position like CUV enjoys. Shortsellers with CUV are in there every day actively manipulating the price, including selling fake shares/liquidity to force the price lower. Mum and dad retail investors can't/don't buy tiny parcels of shares constantly to keep rising and protecting their investment so why can short sellers be allowed to do this and destroy value for retail investors. CUV has even grown their shareholder register a good percentage over the last 2 years according to Annual reports while the shareprice has tanked. A share buyback is desperately needed to balance the fight in shareholders favour, it would be nice if the company just acknowledged how shorters are every day destroying shareholder value as ASIC data shows this irrefutably.

    All IMO DYOR

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