Disclosure of Secrets, page-382

  1. 1,593 Posts.
    Why people wronged women

    Because people violated the law of Islam, the Qur’an and Souna, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

    People followed the laws written by humans, believing that these secular laws are suitable for women's life in our time

    And these ignorant people forgot that human laws have defects and deficiency

    But the laws of the god of Humans are complete and there are no faults because the Creator knows what benefits his creation

    Where does the western woman stand in scale of humanity and who represents her?

    Are they represented by the artificial ladies of Hollywood who appear on the TV screens, who are suppressed by the massive work load and by men?

    When comparing two different cultures, can a real study be made in order to compare between the realities of the two cultures, and thus reach a practical answer (and not just an informative one) as to which of the two is more honorable and civilized?

    In a media that is controlled by corrupt people, women who adhere to Hijaab are considered as a clear evidence for her humility, backwardness degradation, ignorance … etc. On the other hand, trading with women’s bodies was never considered as such…!!

    Western society falsely claims to have raised the status of women

    . Western talk about women's liberation is nothing but a hidden form of exploiting her body, insulting her soul, and depriving her of her honor.

    We are not trying to claim that the situation of the Muslim or Arab woman is in the highest level of perfection and development. Additionally, we do not believe that the humongous stress she faces is due to her being a female, but rather it is part of what men face, all of which comes as a natural result of the nation being oppressed, tyrannized and forced to follow other cultures.

    (إجعلني مسلماً) إعتناق النساء البريطانيات الإسلام Make Me A Muslim British women converting to Islam

    Why do MORE Western women Convert to Islam
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